Sveriges Katt

Lille Katt

Lille katt


Lille katt

Lille katt

Lille katt, lille katt,
lille söte katta,
vet du att
vet du att
det blir mörkt om natta.

Lille gris, lille gris,
lille söte grisen,
om du frys
om du frys
så gör eld i spisen.

Lille ko, lille ko,
lille söte koa,
det var ho
det var ho
ho som sket på broa.

Lille mor, lille mor,
lille söte mora,
ho fick skor
ho fick skor
men de var för stora.

Lille far, lille far,
lille söte faren,
en sån karl
en sån karl
det är tur vi har'en.

Lille jag, lille jag,
lille söte Ida,
jag vill ha
jag vill ha
rotemos till middag.

Little cat

Little cat, little cat
Little cute kitty
Do you know, do you know
That it gets dark at nights

Little pig, little pig
Little cute piggy
If you're cold, if you're cold
Then make a fire in the stove

Little cow, little cow
Little cute cowie
It was she, it was she
She that took a dump on the bridge

Little mom, little mom
Little cute mommy
She got a pair of shoes, // x2
But they were too big

Little dad, little dad
Little cute daddy
What a man, what a man
We're lucky to have him

Little me, small me
Little cute Ida
I want, i want
Turnip mash for dinner

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